Hemorrhoid Myth-busting | Minnesota

Hemorrhoids are uncommon
FALSE– Hemorrhoids are actually incredibly common. A whopping 75% of adults will suffer from hemorrhoids at some point in their life.

Only old people can get hemorrhoids
FALSE– While hemorrhoids are most commonly found in people aged 45-65, it’s definitely possible to find it in younger adults and even children.

Spicy foods can give me hemorrhoids.
FALSE– There is no evidence that spicy foods will cause hemorrhoids or make them worse. Those that eat spicy food while having hemorrhoids do not report any increased pain or discomfort with their bowel movements either.

Sitting on the toilet too long can give me hemorrhoids
TRUE– This is actually true. Sitting on the toilet too long, especially straining for long periods of time, puts pressure on the veins in the rectum, increasing the chances of developing hemorrhoids. Put away the phone and do your business.

Cold surfaces can give me hemorrhoids
FALSE– There’s no evidence that suggests sitting on a cold surface would increase the chances of developing hemorrhoids.

I shouldn’t exercise if I have hemorrhoids
FALSE– Exercise actually helps prevent hemorrhoids. However, weightlifting with poor form can increase the chances of developing hemorrhoids and make existing hemorrhoids worse.

Hemorrhoids could give me cancer
FALSE– There is no evidence hemorrhoids will increase the chances of cancer.

Tags: Anal itchingHemorrhoid MinneapolisHemorrhoid MNHemorrhoid St. PaulHemorrhoids Minneapolishemorrhoids mythhemorrhoids Twin CitiesRectal BleedingRectal Pain