The testimonials found on One Stop Medical Center have been sent to us by actual patients and may not reflect every patient’s experience and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. The testimonials are meant to be a showcase of the best results our practice has produced and should not be taken as the results that all patients will see.
Completely grateful and now able to live my best life again
…… I was so frustrated with my medical condition and the difficulty in seeking medical help in Dallas. At that point I was considering leaving the country for treatment. This is when I opened my search and found Dr. Shu.
Ironically, his office in Orlando is within a 4-minute walk from where I lived for 12 years. I made my initial contact to start an appointment online but was not able to see him until the first week of April. This was another few weeks of waiting but I had some hope at this point.
The night before the initial appointment in Orlando was sleepless as I was now familiar with the exam, but my worst fear was that he, too, would consult and send me home again back to the sitz baths which by the way, are ineffective for internal hemorrhoids.
Dr. Shu’s first words to me were, “Come in, let’s talk.” Imagine how that hit me and he had no idea how significant the contrast was to the previous appointment. He texted me that evening to find out how I was doing and encouraged questions and any concerns. I had started that day in complete physical misery with mental trepidation and in 10 minutes or so was able to jump off that table and resume a more normal life right there in Orlando and complete an active visit.
I had my second appointment due to scheduling reasons the following week in Edina, Minnesota and the third back in Orlando this past week. Brittany at the front desk, from our first conversation, was and is attentive, personable, funny, helpful in finding the right hotel, and said that it was ok to bring my carry- on to the appointment as it made me feel a bit awkward. She is a jewel.
I am now once again a fully functioning caregiver to three goats and nine cats and not a day passes without my saying either aloud or silently to myself, “Thank you, Dr. Shu.”
In conclusion, in light of all the bad I endured to get to him, Dr. Shu is the complete and total positive in juxtaposition to the negative experience I had endured and in a time analogy, over a year of torture and discomfort Dr Shu had the proficiency, skill, and just as importantly, the heart and decency to impart and he utilized that knowledge which resulted in the elimination of my immediate suffering in 10 minutes. In my estimation Dr Shu has more than proven but rather defied the laws of physics.
Peggy Rice
I am So Happy & Grateful for Dr. Shu & His Amazing Techniques!
I’ve been a nurse for 20+ years. I have worked with amazing doctors thru my career. I have given many injections & blood draws & assisted in hundreds of procedures. When choosing a doctor for myself I always do my research. Currently I am uninsured & I called many gastroenterologist in central Florida to get price quotes for hemorrhoid removal. Needless to say these doctors charge a very high price from the 1st consult to the procedures.
During my research, I found One stop medical center & Dr Shu who travels to Florida monthly to bring the latest technology and his 20+ years of experience to patients. His prices are all listed on the website & very easy to follow & affordable for the uninsured.
I called the office and spoke to Brittany who was extremely helpful & answered all my questions. I decided to move forward with scheduling.
I have completed 3 IRC procedures which was easier than I thought. My most recent procedure was 1 day ago and it was an external removal by laser. I am so impressed by Dr. Shu & his technique that I highly recommend him to anyone who has been afraid to make the decision to have hemorrhoid surgery.
This was something I was dealing with from the birth of my 1st child, 31 years ago. I was very nervous about the whole procedure. I did lots of research about it before deciding.
I am so happy & grateful for Dr. Shu & his amazing techniques. I did not feel any pain during the numbing period & I have not felt any pain since. I took 1 Tylenol 650 mg after the procedure & that was it. Dr. Shu provided me with his cell # and told me to text or call if I had any problems or questions.
A happy patient, Florida
Best Thing that I Have Ever Done. Thank You Dr. Shu, You Have Changed My Attitude and My Life Style!
I had hemorrhoids for 25 years and mine were very severe. I tried banding 10 years prior with someone else with little luck. I then went to DR Shu, He did 5 banding sessions then two infrared treatments. I feel great! If you have hemorrhoids go see Dr. Shu he is the best, he explains very thoroughly and makes you feel comfortable. Best thing that I have ever done. Thank you DR Shu you have changed my attitude and my life style. – CB
I am so grateful that hemorrhoids don’t bother me anymore! Thank you so much, Dr. Shu!
I have suffered from hemorrhoids for many years, which significantly affected my daily life. The infrared coagulation (IRC) procedure was recommended by Dr. Shu due to its effectiveness, quick recovery, and near painlessness compared to traditional hemorrhoid banding and surgeries. I was treated with the IRC procedure four times every other week, and now my hemorrhoid symptoms have gone.
There was no downtime, and I went to work right after each treatment. I experienced minimal rectal bleeding for a few days after each treatment. I am so grateful that hemorrhoids don’t bother me anymore! Thank you so much, Dr. Shu.
Y.C.X. Minnesota
Thank You For Helping Me to Take the Pain Away!
Dr.Shu is amazing as a person and doctor. Down to earth doctor who makes you feel very comfortable while you’re having a “Rectum Fix.” God bless you, Doctor, and thank you for helping me take the pain away.
Thank you to your wonderful staff as well, always there when I called with questions. Thank you again!
Selma L, Minnesota
Dr. Shu’s infrared hemorrhoid treatment has made a significant improvement in the quality of my life!
Dr. Shu’s infrared hemorrhoid treatment has made a significant improvement in the quality of my life! Needless to say, it can be quite embarrassing to spend significant amounts of time in the lavatory dealing with incomplete defecation that seem to accompany this condition. Infrared treatment virtually solved the problem with only one application while involving a minimal amount of pain that only lasted a few moments. And, there were NO post-treatment side effects – NONE. Just back to work immediately after the treatment with an instant improvement in bowl activity. Dr. Shu’s three treatment solution involved treating some less severe areas while overlapping the initial treatment area to minimize any premature recurrence. This approach seemed to make a lot of sense considering the gentleness of the procedure and the benefits derived.
M.W. Geatz, CEO and Author
Dr Shu is an expert with hemorrhoids
Dr Shu, is an expert with hemorrhoids. I’ve had to see him a few times for this problem. Now, thanks to his expertise in Infrared Coagulation (IRC), I no longer have a problem with them. The procedure is virtually painless, except for a bit of a hot rear-end. He also makes it fun, while your in a very delicate situation.
B. Rode
The IRC procedure only took about 5 minutes with no pain and only slight discomfort
After quitting smoking 1 1/2 years ago I noticed I started bleeding rectally. After making an appointment to have a Colonoscopy….I was very nervous. Dr.Shu patiently explained the treatment and tests with me…..easing my nervousness a lot. I was told that I have significant hemorrhoids. The IRC procedure only took about 5 minutes with no pain and only slight discomfort. I had 4 treatments.
His continual care and follow-ups made the experience…although initially embarrassing….quite pleasant.
Dr. Shu is truly a hemorrhoid expert
I have been seeing Dr.Shu for a couple of years. I was too embarrassed to talk about my hemorrhoids issue before. Now I switched to his new clinic, One Stop Medical Center, where is more comfortable environment for me to seek hemorrhoids treatments.
Dr. Shu is truly a hemorrhoid expert; He provides not only painless IRC treatments, but also other treatment options for more advanced hemorrhoids, such as rubber band ligation and surgery. He removed my external hemorrhoid first with the state-of-the-art technology, a radiofrequency device called Surgitron, the recovery is uneventful. Then he used IRC to treat my internal hemorrhoids, I was amazed that it took only a few minutes for each treatment without any pain, I did feel a little discomfort with anoscopy itself, but not IRC treatments. Thanks to Dr. Shu, my hemorrhoids are fixed, my life quality is much better now.
X. Yan
I would certainly recommend it
As a 64 year old male hemorrhoid sufferer I underwent the INFRARED COAGULATION hemorrhoid treatment. The procedure was successful and I would certainly recommend it.
D.L. of Rogers, MN
Dr. Shu is a very caring and knowledgeable doctor
Dr. Shu is a very caring and knowledgeable doctor. Over the past few years, he took care of my mother and my health. He is very professional and I am able to share everything with him.
He is a well known community activist, and he contributed a lot of time, energy, and money to the Chinese community. He was the founders of several non-profit organizations in the Chinese community, including a free clinic.
Dr. Shu is a very talent physician; he is an expert in many areas, such as skin cancer, hemorrhoids, endoscopies, office procedures. I strong recommend Dr.Shu to anyone who needs a caring and experienced doctor.
K. Liew
So now Dr. Shu is my primary doctor
I came to Dr. Shu, with many issues and we were able to tackle them one at a time. I had been seeing a doctor for a few months and we couldn’t really resolve any problems. I had appointment next with Dr Shu, who did one simple test and was able to figure out what the problem was. I was ever so grateful to him as I was feeling really awful for quite some time. He’s funny and down to earth. He makes it seem like your not going to the doctor. And he really cares about your well being. So now Dr. Shu is my primary doctor.
Bridgett R.