While nonsurgical procedures work for the majority of hemorrhoid people in Minnesota with , surgical treatments may still be needed if you have advanced hemorrhoids with more prolapsed tissue, or if your hemorrhoid condition does not respond to other treatments. Hemorrhoidectomies may be used in these advanced cases.
A hemorrhoidectomy can be performed in a surgical center or in a well-equipped office, and it is most commonly done under local anesthesia in conjunction with a sedative during the surgery or traditional general anesthesia.
During this procedure, the prolapsed tissue is surgically removed with a radiofrequency device. After the hemorrhoid is removed, the incision is sewn or cauterized shut. Medicated gauze is then placed over the remaining wound.
Recovery usually includes a few days to a week off of work. Pain during bowel movements is expected in the first two weeks, although it gradually becomes less painful over time. The complete healing time is generally about four weeks. During this time, you must increase fiber intake, drink plenty of fluids, and take stool softeners to keep your stool soft.
Are There Other Surgical Options?
There are other surgical procedures that may be used to treat hemorrhoids although our clinic does not offer these treatments. These include:
A stapled hemorrhoidopexy, also known as a stapled hemorrhoidectomy, is the Procedure for Prolapse and Hemorrhoids (PPH). This procedure utilizes a specially-designed circular stapling device. These staples affix the prolapsing tissue to the rectal wall, effectively resecting the hemorrhoid. Because this procedure is less invasive than a traditional hemorrhoidectomy, it often requires less post-operative recovery. The recurrent rate is slightly higher than traditional hemorrhoidectomy.
Transanal Hemorrhoidal Dearterialization (THD) is considered a minimally invasive operation used to treat internal hemorrhoids. It does not remove any hemorrhoid tissue. The procedure starts with Doppler testing to locate the arteries that feed the hemorrhoids. Stitches are then used to close these arteries, which decrease the blood flow from these arteries to hemorrhoid complex. The hemorrhoid is then sutured higher up into the rectum, thus reducing the prolapse.