Most cases of hemorrhoids can be managed through non-surgical anal care measures or minimal invasive office procedures. Some cases with more advanced grade, though, cause more severe symptoms and must be dealt with in a more invasive manner.
Banding and Infra-red coagulation are common office procedures that are used to treat mild or moderate internal hemorrhoids. These minimal invasive procedures require little or no aftercare.
In most cases that require surgical intervention, however, a hemorrhoidectomy is necessary. This procedure is usually performed under local anesthesia with or without sedation in a surgical center. During this surgery, your doctor will remove the prolapsed hemorrhoids by cutting them out and coagulating the varicose veins with the radiofrequency (RF) device. You are able to go home after a short observation.
How Will I Manage The Pain After Surgery?
Most people report that they have more pain with bowel movements in the first few days, but they usually feel better with each passing day after a hemorrhoid surgery. They should expect to have some pain for at least one week and maybe as long as two weeks. We usually offer prescription pain medicine for most patients following an extensive surgery. In the most time, we prefers not to give you a narcotic prescription to avoid constipation, but you are encouraged to use Tylenol and/or Ibuprofen to manage the pain after surgery.
Even after the initial pain fades, many people have mild pain, irritation or itching during or after bowel movements for a few weeks after surgery. Following the anal care instructions with sitz bath, stool softener, and OTC topical creams, may help relieve these symptoms.
What Else Do I Need To Know About Aftercare?
In addition to pain medication, you are required to do regular sitz bath that helps not only heal and prevent infection, but also relieve the pain and other symptoms associated with hemorrhoid surgery. This consists of sitting in warm water for up to thirty minutes three times a day. The warm water will help to clean the anal area, as well as relax the muscles to ease pain.
One of the keys to quick healing is to avoid straining while having a bowel movement. We usually suggest stool softener and fiber supplement. You should also drink water throughout the day. If you have constipation before surgery or you develop constipation after surgery, then you may need a laxative.
After a bowel movement, you may have light bleeding. You can lessen this by using wet wipes instead of toilet paper during this time.
As with any surgery, there is a risk of infection after hemorrhoid removal. Infection after hemorrhoidectomy is rare. It is important to call your doctor if you have severe swelling, redness or increased pain, a fever or any unusual draining from the surgical sites.